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About Us


MAKING OF A MAN MENTORING FOUNDATION (M.O.M.M.) is committed to developing boys into men by teaching them various essential skills including, but not limited to, financial responsibility, real estate training, life lessons, self-love, entrepreneurial skills, and basic legal rights. Through these teachings, M.O.M.M. will keep young men off the street and in the classroom, which in turn will build the foundation needed for our members to become successful young men and ultimately entrepreneurs. It is our mission to save our youth by investing time and resources into each participant so that he will realize a variety of roads to success.


About Our Founder

Don Campbell is the founder of the MOMM Foundation based in Chicago. He is a former real estate broker and field service engineer. Before devoting his work fulltime to mentoring youth, transforming communities, and financial literacy, Don served as CEO of DC Estates LLC, a full service property rehabbing company. Don is a 20-year real estate industry veteran whose goal is to combine his passion of youth mentoring and improving communities. 

Developing boys into men by teaching them various essential skills including, but not limited to,
real estate training, financial responsibility, entrepreneurial skills.
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